
What Is The Estimated Population Size Of The Grasshoppers Living In This Meadow

Packard Grasshopper

Melanoplus packardii Scudder

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Link straight to photos of adults, nymphs, or eggs.

Distribution and Habitat

M. packardii continental distribution map >

Wyoming distribution map

The Packard grasshopper ranges widely in western Due north America. It is primarily a rangeland species inhabiting the tallgrass, shortgrass, mixedgrass, bunchgrass, and desert prairies. The species also lives in ruderal habitats and has get recognized as an important cropland grasshopper. It reaches loftier densities in the northern office of its geographic range and lives in mount meadows at altitudes as loftier every bit 9,000 feet.

Economic Importance

Considering of its usual low densities on rangeland and its preference for poor fodder plants, such equally the scurfpeas, the Packard grasshopper in its natural habitat causes little damage. However, in the northern region of the mixedgrass prairie, the Packard grasshopper is an important fellow member of the rangeland assemblage, and it is oftentimes 2d in density afterwards the dominant species, Melanoplus infantilis.

This grasshopper has adapted well to cropland and ruderal habitats including roadsides, contend rows, edges of cultivated fields, abandoned farm land, and Conservation Reserve Plan country. In certain years it develops large populations that crusade serious damage to small grains and alfalfa. Grasshopper surveys conducted in cropland areas of Saskatchewan from 1931 to 1966 reveal that the Packard grasshopper often adds essentially to the harm of cereal crops as an important member of an assemblage along with Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. bivittatus. In certain years the Packard grasshopper is the ascendant species, making upwardly 50 percentage of the full population. As one moves south the Packard grasshopper becomes less important. Information technology is mentioned equally a minor pest in Kansas, although in Oklahoma it has been recorded as dissentious cotton, vegetables, small-scale grains, and legumes. The Packard grasshopper is a big species. Alive weight of males and females nerveless from rangeland and roadsides in eastern Wyoming averaged 571 mg and 639 mg, respectively (dry out weight: males 141 mg, females 208 mg).

Food Habits

The Packard grasshopper feeds on both forbs and grasses. Examinations of crop contents of grasshoppers collected from the mixedgrass and shortgrass prairies indicate that the scurfpeas, Psoralea tenuiflora and P. esculenta, are fed upon preferentially. Although the contents of the majority of crops consist of more 1 species of plant, a sizeable number consist of only fragments of scurfpea. Several other legumes that grow in the mixedgrass prairie serve every bit host plants including Missouri milkvetch, woolly loco, and peavine (Lathyrus polymorphus). When available in improved grassland, sweetclover and shine brome serve as preferred host plants.

A total of seven grasses and 26 forbs have been recorded from crops of Packard grasshoppers collected from the shortgrass and mixedgrass prairies. The average consumption of forbs from both mixedgrass and shortgrass prairies equaled 85 percentage, while grasses equaled 7 and 13 percent, respectively. Among vii grasses plant in ingather contents, bluish grama, sand dropseed, and needleandthread were present in greatest amounts. The Packard grasshopper also fed on basis litter including dead arthropods. In ruderal habitats a variety of weeds serve as host plants including brome grasses, sweetclover, prickly lettuce, western ragweed, and sunflower. In cropland this grasshopper has fed upon winter wheat, barley, fall rye, and alfalfa.

Several direct observations have been fabricated of feeding. On July 11, 1990 at 10 a.m. DST ane female was seen crawling on the ground, then stopping to feed a few seconds on found litter. She then moved to a pocket-size peavine plant and reached up her full length to feed on a leaflet. In a roadside habitat, a male (oriented vertical head up) and a female (oriented vertical head downward) were observed feeding on the petals of yellow sweetclover. A female on the footing was observed to feed on a dead darkling beetle. In a study expanse of the mixedgrass prairie, ii females on the ground surface were observed feeding on an unidentified small lichen growing among moss.

Dispersal and Migration

The Packard grasshopper is a potent flier possessing long wings. In Colorado where the species is regularly resident upward to 8,500 feet, "accidentals" have been found at altitudes in excess of 11,000 anxiety, manifestly dispersing a minimum of 10 miles in one season. Further evidence for dispersal consists of the discovery of five males and eight females on the ice of Grasshopper Glacier in the Crazy Mountains of Montana. These may have originated in a mountain meadow about one mile below the glacier where a resident population lived at an altitude of approximately 9,000 anxiety. Only it is also possible that they originated from a distant expanse along with M. sanguinipes and Aulocara elliotti, which were also present on the glacier.


Of the iii size divisions of grasshoppers, the Packard grasshopper is in the large category. Information technology is, however, smaller than the two largest species of Melanoplus, the twostriped grasshopper and the differential grasshopper. The adults have vivid color patterns of tan, brown, and yellowish (Fig. half-dozen and vii). Ii conspicuous light tan stripes run down the occiput of the head and disk of the pronotum (Fig. 8). Wings are long, reaching to at least the end of the abdomen and extending as much as half-dozen mm beyond. The hind tibiae are scarlet or blue. The male person possesses diagnostic characteristics of the species: the cerci are spatulate (Fig. 9) and the lobes of the aedeagus projection nearly equally (Fig. 11). This species cannot be separated with certainty from M. foedus without exposing the aedeagus, achieved by lifting and moving the pallium dorsum. The supraanal plate narrows gradually to the pointed finish. In a drove of grasshoppers one may identify the females by associating them with the males using size, markings, and color. The nymphs are identifiable by their structures, color patterns, and shape (Fig. 1-5).

1. Head with face nearly vertical; color of head in instars I and Ii greenish tan, instars Three to V green; heads of all instars sparsely spotted dark-brown; compound eye fuscous with many calorie-free spots; antennae filiform and fuscous, each segment ringed anteriorly pale yellowish.

two. Pronotum with lateral lobes greenish tan in instar I, greenish tan or light-green in instar II, greenish in instars III to V; lateral lobes with few to many brown spots in all instars; deejay of pronotum somewhat darker than the lobes and spots more than dense.

three. Outer medial expanse of hind femur with three to four rows of spots, outset row of spots (below upper carinula) separate, not coalescing into lines. Hind tibia pale greyness in instar I, stake light-green in instar II, light-green in instars Three to 5; tibia with forepart border fuscous in all instars.

4. General color: instar I green tan, instar II greenish or green tan, instars Three to Five green, occasionally tan.


The Packard grasshopper is an early on-hatching species. Outset instars announced in the mixedgrass prairie at the same time equally those of the bigheaded grasshopper, A. elliotti. Although eggs of the Packard grasshopper lie deeper in the soil than eggs of the bigheaded grasshopper and receive less rut in leap, they hatch at the same time due to their advanced development in autumn. In nature, diapause of eggs is cleaved during winter and but a few days of warm footing temperatures are required for an embryo to reach the last embryonic stage 27, which then must await for hatching thresholds of temperature and moisture.

In the mixedgrass prairie of eastern Montana and Wyoming, eggs of the Packard grasshopper hatch from May to early June depending on seasonal weather. In unlike years commencement instars may appear equally early as May 1 or as tardily equally May xxx.

Nymphal Development

Nymphs develop at almost the same charge per unit as the bigheaded grasshopper. Based on dates of get-go appearance of nymphs and adults in the mixedgrass prairie, the nymphal period of the Packard grasshopper ranges from 47 to 63 days. Both males and females develop through five instars to become adults. Rearing nymphs in the laboratory at abiding temperatures has shown that the Packard grasshopper completes the nymphal menses in 47 days at 77°F and in 70 days at 70°F.

Adults and Reproduction

Although emigration of some adults may occur, the majority remain in the same habitat in which the nymphs develop. In the mixedgrass prairie of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, both male and female adults begin to appear in early July. Merely a few observations take been made of maturation and reproduction of this species. In a study site of the mixedgrass prairie in eastern Wyoming the offset adults of both sexes were seen xi July 1990. Courting past a male was observed on xxx July 1990, approximately 20 days afterwards adults began to emerge. The first observation of oviposition was made 16 August 1990, 36 days afterward adults began to sally; however, examination of ovaries indicates a maturation catamenia of 21 days.

Longevity of adults is relatively long, equally decline of densities in summer are almost imperceptible. An average adult longevity of l days has been estimated from sampling populations in the mixedgrass prairie. A large part of the adult population of the Packard grasshopper lives through the months of August and September.

Females oviposit in bare ground and lay a clutch of xvi to 29 eggs. Laboratory rearing of adult Packard grasshoppers resulted in an average fecundity of 153 eggs per female person at 33°C and 94 eggs at 27°C; the boilerplate numbers of pods was vii.vii and 4.eight per female, respectively.

The pod is slightly curved and 1 1/iv inches long and iii/sixteen inch in diameter (Fig. 10). The eggs lie in the bottom 3/four inch; barm occupies the meridian office of the pod. Eggs are tan and 4.7 to v.i mm long.

Population Environmental

Small numbers of the Packard grasshopper ordinarily inhabit grasslands of the W. Densities normally range from less than 0.1 to 0.4 per foursquare yard. Sampling in the mixedgrass prairie of eastern Wyoming indicates that although the species is one of the to the lowest degree abundant members of the rangeland grasshopper aggregation, it persists from year to year at depression densities and does not track the fluctuations of the dominant species or that of the assemblage (Table i). Notwithstanding, the Packard grasshopper's abundance in Alberta and Saskatchewan and its residency in meadows of the Rocky Mountains at relatively high altitudes indicate a middle of distribution for the species in the colder regions of its geographic range. A summary of relative densities from 1928-44 in a mixedgrass prairie of southeastern Alberta shows that populations fluctuate and that in sure years the species may occur in outbreak numbers, but no absolute densities are available for these populations.

A Montana report ascertained that the Packard grasshopper occupied nine of 38 sites in the mixedgrass prairie and in one site, consisting of 19 species with a density of 10 grasshoppers per square yard, it was second in abundance to 1000. infantilis. The same study found the Packard grasshopper occupied eight of 11 abandoned fields. In one of the sites the Packard grasshopper was the ascendant species at approximately v per square yard.

In ruderal habitats and cropland the Packard grasshopper may be a serious pest. The ecological changes brought about past crop agronomics have created ideal habitats for no less than six species of grasshoppers including the Packard grasshopper. Ingather damaging outbreaks in Alberta and Saskatchewan have oftentimes consisted of three species: the Packard grasshopper, the migratory grasshopper 1000. sanguinipes, and the twostriped grasshopper M. bivittatus. In sure localities the Packard grasshopper becomes the dominant species, only more than often the migratory grasshopper is dominant, the twostriped is 2d, and the Packard is third. Factors that appear to have made ruderal tracts more favorable for these species include the formation of ameliorate egg-laying sites of drift soil and south-facing slopes, and the introduction of delicious weeds and cereal crops that serve equally reliable, abundant, and nutritious sources of food. Estimates based on relative densities indicate that the Packard grasshopper may increase to six adults per square 1000 in weedy roadsides.

Daily Activity

In its natural habitat in the mixedgrass prairie, the Packard grasshopper spends most of its time on the ground. Nights are passed resting horizontally on the ground surface on bare soil or litter. Early in the morning time before the dominicus has risen, late instar nymphs and adults may sit down under canopies of grasses or close to vegetation. A few individuals rest vertically, caput up, on stems of slimflower scurfpea and silver sagebrush at heights of eight to 12 inches.

As soon equally the rays of the sun strike their resting places, the grasshoppers orient a side perpendicular to the rays and may tilt in the direction of the dominicus and lower a hindleg to expose more of the abdomen. Individuals that have spent the night on vegetation plough their back or a side to the sun. Afterwards basking for two to three hours (soil surface temperatures unremarkably take risen to lxxx°F and air temperatures to 70°F), the grasshoppers go active. A few adults may go active sooner in courtship and mating activities.

When temperatures get besides hot, soil higher up 120°F and air to a higher place 90°F, grasshoppers terminate activities and have evasive actions. They climb vegetation and rest vertically, head up, two-x inches high. They may spread their flexed hindlegs and hold onto a grass stem or leaves with their fore and midlegs. At that place has been one observation of basking in the evening at 4:55 p.m. DST in which an adult male and female resting on the ground turned their sides perpendicular to the rays of the sun.

Selected References

Anderson, N. L. 1973. The vegetation of rangeland sites associated with some grasshopper studies in Montana. Montana Agr. Exp. Stn. Bull. 668.

Hardman, J. Chiliad. and S. Smoliak. 1980. Potential economic impact of rangeland grasshoppers (Acrididae) in southeastern Alberta. Tin. Entomol. 112: 277-284.

Hewitt, G. B. 1985. Review of factors affecting fecundity, oviposition, and egg survival of grasshoppers in North America. USDA ARS-36.

Lockwood, J. A., J. C. Burne, L. D. DeBrey, R. A. Nunamaker and R. E. Pfadt. 1990. The preserved fauna of grasshopper glacier (Crazy Mountains, Montana): Unique insights to Acridid biology. Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal twenty: 223-236.

Riegert, P. West. 1968. A history of grasshopper abundance surveys and forecasts in Saskatchewan. Memoirs Entomol. Soc. Can. No. 52.

Salt, R. W. 1949. A key to the embryological evolution of Melanoplus bivittatus (Say), M. mexicanus mexicanus (Sauss.), and Thou. packardii Scudder. Can. J. Res. (D) 27: 233-235.

Shotwell, R. L. 1941. Life histories and habits of some grasshoppers of economic importance on the Great Plains. USDA Tech. Bull. 774.

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What Is The Estimated Population Size Of The Grasshoppers Living In This Meadow,


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